SPEAK 2025
This year, 2025, we want to be known for sharing the good news of Jesus. The challenge for our church family is to have 2025 gospel conversations and intentional invites. Whether in our neighborhoods, schools, or workplaces, we can engage in conversations that bring hope to those around us by helping people find and follow Jesus.

The vision of our church is to see LIVES CHANGED BY JESUS.
Our discipleship pathway provides the steps that encourage us to see that vision become rooted in our own lives and the lives of others.
Gather, Grow, Serve, and Speak are not merely words; they provide a path everyone in our church can walk as we follow Jesus together.

In 2025, we want to be known as a church that SPEAKS JESUS.
Two values guide our goal to have 2025 gospel conversations and intentional invites this year.
We SPEAK the good news of Jesus in our homes, neighborhoods, and the nations.
We SPEAK the good news as we intentionally pray for and invite others to be changed by Jesus.
Every conversation and intentional invite is something worth celebrating as a church.
Under the steps in the main welcome center, directly across from the map of our city, is a place to celebrate and pray over each person we share and invite.
Why celebrate SPEAK 2025? Knowing you're not alone is encouraging. It will be amazing to see what we, as a church, can accomplish in advancing the gospel in 2025.
Numbers matter because people count! Each white and green golf tee in the SPEAK 2025 board represents a seed planted in someone’s life.
How can we not celebrate that!?

A white golf tee, placed in the SPEAK 2025 board, represents an intentional invite to our church.
A simple invite card, placed in someone’s hand, with a promise to meet them on a Sunday, can make an eternal impact.
The value of our discipleship pathway that leads us in this goal is that we speak the good news as we intentionally pray for and invite others to be changed by Jesus.
Each time you invite someone to OBC this year, place a white golf tee in the SPEAK 2025 board.

A green golf tee, placed in the SPEAK 2025 board, represents a gospel conversation.
A gospel conversation is when you share the hope you have in Jesus and the good news of salvation through faith in Christ.
The value of our discipleship pathway that leads us in this goal is that we speak the good news of Jesus in our homes, neighborhoods, and the nations
Each time you have a gospel conversation this year, place a green golf tee in the SPEAK 2025 board.
You may be on a weekend trip when you have a gospel conversation with someone. Maybe, you just shared the gospel at work or school and just can't wait to celebrate what God has done. Let us know!
...standing firm in one spirit, in one accord, contending together for the faith of the gospel... Philippians 1:27